Thursday, July 22, 2010

Etawa disease

Tetanus Disease In Etawa
Type of livestock Etawa does have a lot of diseases like most other animals, some ailments I've discussed in previous articles, while for some fatal disease that I did not yet reviewed
This time I will convey my experience in raising Etawa kaligesing purworejo donorejo region, about tetanus in Etawa
Type of tetanus disease in goats is a pretty fatal disease categories and most of the victims of tetanus caused most deaths in goats.
If Etawa tetanus disease usually will experience cramps and spasms and then would look hard at some rigid body's motion.
Usually the disease is very fast and visible changes in goat quickly also tend goats infected with tetanus will have decreased endurance very quickly.
There are some events that look to the holding of goats from the back of his body twitching can not move too quickly and then will spread to the abdomen to the neck and if delayed for some time to find relief from livestock veterinarian usually will soon die.
From my experience breeding and Etawa average kaligesing breeders in the region have a similar experience regarding the type of the disease can be said only 30 percent of survivors or have a healthy and most likely eventually experienced the death of livestock.
tetanus could have attacked all the goats regardless of age but most often experience is the parent and saplings Etawa (cempe).
Tetanus disease can not be in the traditionally treated normally I handed treatment by a veterinarian who does have expertise in dealing with this disease.
Almost every type of livestock disease tetanus is usually a lot of that culminate in the death of livestock, especially if the disease is contagious in children Etawa.
Based on experience and explanation of several experts (veterinarians) tetanus is generally difficult in the treated and has recovered only 30 percent likelihood and type of the disease can only be prevented and is usually contracted during birth or goats goat injured.
Prevention of tetanus disease is actually in a way it could be vaccinated against tetanus but this is very rare in fact I also do not ever give tetanus vaccine to all my cattle, but I usually only do with how to cure injury prevention as well as providing an experienced atibiotik on livestock injuries such as bleeding during childbirth.
In the past farmers generally gave the ash or dust residue around the wound or goat genitals after childbirth and also bathing the child Etawa with young coconut water on the after birth because of the believe that the young coconut contains mild alcohol to clean the wound on a young goat and prevent the spread of bacteria in flies carrying the injured cord after delivery.
But at the present developments and after a lot of explanations by experts of livestock including cattle health experts (doctors Animals) breeders in our neighborhood has been recognized outside the drug of drug that can give.
I have personal experience of cattle infected with tetanus most commonly lead to death and I found my cattle exposed to tetanus shortly after giving birth (to Parent) or after the birth (for cempe)
Tetanus on Etawa parent generally in because membusuknya remaining disconnected at the time of placental delivery and not get out of the womb more than three days while on cempe tetanus is usually also affected due to the cempe talipusat membusuknya not dry quickly.
The handling of this disease (prevention), which I do usually by watching carefully when the goats give birth and directly injecting the anti-biotic (with refrensi veterinarian) as soon as possible to clean the blood that remains in the vicinity to prevent genital fur flies we can also spray an anti- flies (gusanek or classmates) if used typically with a spray of perfume alcohol. Also on the tiller do the cleaning Etawa the most important is around the umbilical cord and of course to cut the umbilical cord should also be properly (not too long).
If the parent had broken Etawa placenta and can generally be in the know with terciumnya stench around the genitals as soon as possible to give an injection of placental crusher (with vet ref) so as not to lead to tetanus or other diseases.
Among this article we hope to help breeders to identify the disease and reduce the risk of death of livestock due to tetanus.
I hope this experience can help when there is more or less in this paper, I beg forgiveness and how much better you will also consult with your veterinarian or animal disease experts ... ... .. greetings success for breeders

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